Emmanuel Iduma


“Traveling Secretary.” Granta (2021)

“To the Follower of Chiekh Amadou Bamba I Met in Dakar.” Off Assignment / The Best American Travel Writing 2020 (2019/2020)

“How Desire Holds a Plea.” On love and sensuality, Extra Extra (2021).

“‘Gone Like a Meteor’: Epitaph for the Lost Youth of the Biafran War.” The New York Review of Books (2019)

“My Life as a Wave.” Some photographs and a short essay. Open Space (2017)

“The Colonizer’s Archive is a Crooked Finger.” Catapult. (2017)

“The Sum of Encounters.” A travelogue for the Carnegie Int’l, 57th ed., 2018 (2017)

“My Heart Is as Brief as Photos.” A narrative on photography, New York, and diasporas. Photographie et Oralité Dialogues à Bamako, Dakar et ailleurs (2016)


“Being With.” On writing and affinities. AGNI. (2023)

“Finding Form.” On writing I Am Still With You. n+1. (2023)

“Tender Light.” The bond between photography and narrative. The Yale Review. (2022)

The Spoils of a Savage War.’ On David Diop’s At Night All Blood is Black, for The New York Review of Books (2022)

“Man of Scarce Means.” n+1 (2021)

“What Will Tutuola Do.” An essay on the novels of Amos Tutuola and his relationship to language. Parapolitics: Cultural Freedom and the Cold War (2021). An earlier version in Tate Papers.

An Introduction to Cyprian Ekwensi’s People of the City. (2020). Read online in the New York Review of Books.

“How to be a Travel Writer in Africa.” LitHub. (2018)

On Ingrid Winterbach’s The Elusive Moth. Music & Literature (2014)
